CONNECT is the (mereological) fusion of two research groups. The first group, in yellow, is working on the project Conceptual Negotiation for a Better Future: An Ethical and Conceptual Investigation (PRIN 2022 PNRR, funded by the European Commission – Next Generation EU). The second group, in azure, is focused on the project Conceptual Negotiation: Epistemological and Political Aspects (Bando Ricerca UPO 2022, funded by the European Commission – NextGeneration EU and Compagnia di San Paolo). These projects aim to develop a theory of conceptual negotiation, understood as the philosophical process of enhancing our understanding of social, ethical, political, and economic realities through the articulation of new concepts and the exploration of future scenarios. Samuele Iaquinto (University of Eastern Piedmont) is the Principal Investigator for both projects. The yellow project brings together the University of Eastern Piedmont with the University of Padua, where Simone Grigoletto serves as Co-PI, the University of Milan, with Elisa Paganini as Associated PI, and Università Cattolica, with Ciro De Florio as Associated PI. The azure project is based entirely at the University of Eastern Piedmont, with Enrico Biale as Co-PI.